All package delivery times given by Kovert or posted on our website are estimates only and based on information provided by vendor shippers. We do not guarantee any specific package delivery times. Once the order leaves our shipping facility we are no longer in control of the delivery. Orders are shipped on the same day you receive your tracking information.
All orders are shipped discreetly.
Package labels will read “Kovert” and will not indicate what products are contained.
Overnight shipping via vendor shipper is available for most areas in the lower 48 states. OUR VENDOR SHIPPER DOES NOT DELIVER EXPRESS PACKAGES ON WEEKENDS. If you select overnight service on Friday before 4:30pm EST, your package will arrive on Monday. If you select overnight shipping and it is not available in your area, you will be contacted by our customer service department. EXPRESS DELIVERY TIME (2 day and overnight) DOES NOT INCLUDE ORDER DATE (after 4:30pm EST) OR WEEKENDS.
Kovert is not responsible for package tardiness due to vendor shipper error, orders being placed after business hours and processed the next business day, incorrect shipping information, problems with credit card authorization or charging, or refusal of a person to accept delivery of the shipment.
All wholesale orders outside of the US will be shipped by select vendor shippers and are subject to import taxes, border fees, and additional shipping charges. We do not ship online retail orders internationally.
A: Kovert’s shipping options (via FedEx services) are all completed by air to get our products to you faster!
FedEx Air Shipments:
All orders placed after 4:30pm EST will not be shipped until the following business day. If you place order an overnight order on Friday, by 4:30pm EST, you will not receive your shipment until Monday. If you place an order Saturday or Sunday, it will not ship until the next business day. Currently, we only ship during the week and do not complete shipments on the weekend or holidays. Please plan appropriately if you need expedited delivery.
You can also get free shipping if your order is over $69! This only applies to standard shipping, not rushed deliveries.
A: We allow returns but if you received damaged product, please let us know! However, if you would like to return your product indefinitely, we ask you to mail in your item(s) and a refund will be issued relative to your receipt’s amount as proof of purchase.
A: You can place your order through our online ordering system. You can also call us toll-free at 1-800-761-9906 and speak with a Customer Service Representative. Our customer service department operates Monday – Friday, 8AM – 5PM EST.